Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, i just came home from work. I've been listening to the new track the whole day and wrote a few TODO things into my paper diary (Yes,'s hardcore paper made out of wood).
I managed to miss 2 trains because of some ..... drivers that wouldn't let my tram pass a few crossroads, but well...whatever nevermind that.

I don't really care whether this generation is used to having everything right here and right now, but if i have to wait 5 minutes to freeze one single instrument track on this crappy laptop, i get crazy (Even more than i am). Well anyway...the freezing is done, so...i'll see you all later.

Take care.

Is it my house?

I just can't decide. I'm working on a remix of a japanese vocal-piano song and i just can't decide whether it's more house or trance.
I just tried to add some nice powerful saw lead into it. It sounded good, but it kind of destroyed the piano feel. It's supposed to be gentle and romantic. I'm wondering whether to sacrifice the romance and go for full trance...
On the second thought, i suppose not. Well anyway, i hope it works out well.

And no, i'm not going to tell you what is the original song called or who wrote it just yet :) Only that it is a She and She had a birthday a few days ago.


I haven't had too much time to do any blogging lately, because i'm a working person now. Thank god i'm still able to bite a few hours a week for music production. Basically i'm working 6 days a week now. (Can't wait to get back to uni...)
Well anyway, this update is going to be quite short.
Wasn't it? :)